Today Athein and his team started from route 90/94 and walked through Chicago Downtown by Congress road. When they hit to Michigan Street they go North.
They were escorted by four Illinois state Police, two women and two men. When we reached Lessalle street we went north again and arrived to Erie Street around 1pm. we turn right on Erie and we saw a Chinese consulate on our left with Chinese Flag raising on the top.
There we met comrades from Fort Wayne Indiana. They were waiting for us. All of them around seven to eight . They brought placards and posters of ASSK and pictures of Cyclone victims and dead bodies. All together we were around 15-20 people including two white women.
Athein started to make three salutes. Athein give a speech about why he is doing this trip and thanks to people who came a support their long march especially from Fort Wayne , Indiana and people from Chicago.
We shouted slogans:
Free free free Burma!
China China killing Burma
boycott boycott china olympic
We burned Chinese flag and took photo of that moment
After 3pm we ended our demo and returned home.
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